Wednesday, December 14, 2011


There is something you've been doing for a couple of months I keep forgetting to mention in your posts.  It is so sweet but not something I can catch in a photo... maybe a video if I got your Dad involved at just the right time.  Anyways... you play a little game that goes like this:  Mommy is on her phone, reading, watching TV (basically not paying attention to you)... so you crawl or walk around to my back and pull yourself up leaning against my back.  You slowly peak around my shoulder until I finally look at you, and then you sweetly smile and giggle when I catch your eye.  Then I go back to what I was doing and you peak around again until I catch your eye again, and you giggle again.  We do this over and over for about 10 minutes.  It's so cute and so hard to explain, but it's something I don't want to forget about as you grow older and tired of this sweet little game:)

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